Narration occurs at nearly every level of the project: in the maps, the collections, the galleries, even the item descriptions.

It occurs most explicitly in the "Narrations" section of the site. The "Narrations" resemble traditional essays, but are built on the same principles as the rest of Beautiful Spaces. That is, they emerge very clearly from the Items that form the foundation of the project. They aim to draw together seemingly disparate pieces in meaningful, perhaps even provocative, ways. They transpose some of the findings of the various mappings into textual format; they pose questions that will inform the curation of new collections, the addition of new items, and the articulation of new relationships and taxonomies. They are meant to be generative rather than comprehensive or conclusive. In simplest terms, they are as much starting points as any Item, annotation, or map.

In addition to the more traditional, text-based, narratives, Beautiful Spaces experiments with the construction of "spatial narratives." What in the world does that mean?


One could do far worse than puzzle over this wonderful graphic composed by Daniel Alves, Don Lafreniere, Scott Nesbit, and Mia Ridge. [see the original posting]