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DAARK Fond 49, op.1: Tavrida Province Assembly of Noble Deputies

Fond 49 includes documents pertaining to the administrative concerns, appointments, elections to the noble assembly, the submission of petitions for noble status (some 273 cases), further documentation of such petitions, acceptance of such petitions (177 cases), and copies of the provincial noble registers (issued annually by the Heraldry).

Lists of the Nobles of Tavrida Province

Contents of this delo:

  • List of those confirmed as nobles by decree of the Governing Senate and by decree of the Heraldry Office, 1839-1841
  • List of those confirmed as nobles by decree of the Governing Senate and by decree of the Heraldry Office, 1815-1841
  • Report on the number of families confirmed in their noble status between 1841 and 1861 (compiled May 14, 1871
  • Unresolved cases submitted to the Senate, 1857

Tavrida Noble Register

The noble assembly of each province was tasked with maintaining an official register of all resident nobles (as opposed to a register of all nobles who owned land in the province, which was another story altogether). The register (rodoslovnaia kniga) was updated annually, as individuals petitioned for inscription and were either confirmed as members or denied noble status by the assembly.

This project draws on the noble registers produced in the years 1804 to 1853, 1804 being the first official register for Tavrida.

RGIA f. 1343, op. 51: Heraldry Department of the Imperial Senate

Rodoslovnye knigi (noble registers) and inventories of individuals included in the dvorianstvo (nobility), 1683-1917

Reports "on the composition of the lands and gardens of Tavrida Province held as quitrent properties"

The reports were compiled by the provincial government (such as it was) between 1791 and 1794. There are nine reports in the delo, running 123 listy (146 pages):
  1. Report on state fruit gardens and vineyards at Ai-Dere, with notes on previous owners
  2. Description of state gardens located in the Kutly valley showing the number of desiatinas or square sazhens as well as the number of fruit trees and grape vines
  3. Description of state gardens located in the Kozy valley showing the number of desiatinas or square sazhens as well as the number of fruit trees and grape vines
  4. Description of state gardens located in the Sudak valley showing the number of desiatinas or square sazhens as well as the number of fruit trees and grape vines
  5. Description of state gardens located in the Otuz valley showing the number of desiatinas or square sazhens as well as the number of fruit trees and grape vine
  6. Report on state fruit gardens and vineyards on the Tavridan Black Sea coast
  7. Report on the fitness of state properties in Feodosiia district consisting of gardens, meadows, and mills in various villages left behind by Christian immigrants to Russia and by Tatars who fled abroad, all of which were leased to Kart Seit Chelebi, a third-guild merchant of Simferopol'
  8. Report on the fitness of state properties in Perekop district consisting of gardens, meadows, and mills in various villages left behind by Christian immigrants to Russia and by Tatars who fled abroad, all of which were leased to Kart Seit Chelebi, a third-guild merchant of Simferopol'
  9. Report on the fitness of state properties in Evpatoriia district consisting of gardens, meadows, and mills in various villages left behind by Christian immigrants to Russia and by Tatars who fled abroad, all of which were leased to Kart Seit Chelebi, a third-guild merchant of Simferopol'
  10. Report on the fitness of state properties in Simferopol' district consisting of gardens, meadows, and mills in various villages left behind by Christian immigrants to Russia and by Tatars who fled abroad, all of which were leased to Kart Seit Chelebi, a third-guild merchant of Simferopol'
  11. Report on state gardens and vineyards located along the Belbek, Kacha, and Alma rivers