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According to the 1794 report, this dacha consisted of 1,675 desiatinas for raising cattle near Sivash.
According to the 1794 report, this dacha consisted of 650 desiatinas in or near the villages of Unkut, Kozy.
According to the 1794 report, this dacha consisted of 738 desiatinas.
This image shows Crimean Tatars traveling on foot, on horseback, and in camel-driven wagons.
ONeill_Request-pl80md_return from fountain.jpg
Crimean Tatar women walk with jugs of water toward a house in the distance. A pregnant woman in the foreground wears a head covering; the younger women wear skullcaps (tiubeteikas) - all but the bareheaded women with a jug balanced on her right…
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