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In the yaila northwest of Arpat, Demir Khapu is a two-hour walk from Uskiut. Nearly two hours further along the road one comes to Tash Duvar and the remains of a long defensive wall. Tash Duvar is owned by Murat Mirza, son of Megmetsha Argin.
Remains of an ancient wall some 7 verts in length.
In the area of the Greek village of Enisala, along the post road, the remains of a wall are still visible. Locals from the village of Chavke claim that the wall was built by someone named Aksan-Temir Bagatyr.(143-144)
Remains of a stone wall.
Nearby at Eklis Burun there is a stone church and wall. They would have been able to communicate with Demir Khapu using signal lights. Keppen claims to have detected traces of a road through the forest and cliff walls. He also notes that in the deep…
Located at the western end of Kuchuk Uzen.
The fort at Alushta dates to the 6th century. Keppen's notes are particularly conversational. He takes it upon himself to offer an explanation of why Sumarokov claims Alushta was called Furion and references Pallas as well, asking "where did he get…
The old coastal road from Alushta to Kuchuk Lambat is 9 versts and 400 sazhens. The halfway point is marked by the Demir Khapu (iron gate). From there the remains of a wall leading down to the shore are visible. Demir Khapu and Kastel Mountain both…
The walls of a fortification are still visible, and Keppen identifies them as defensive. Near the mountain top Keppen traces out the remains of a rectangular structure 13 by 9 paces with walls around it - likely a church. There is another church of…
Some 2,000 inhabitants now.
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